Posting pictures is easy. There are a few steps:
1. Get your picture(s)
2. Upload it/them to a free image-hosting site like (my personal favorite).
3. Once uploaded, only copy ONE of three different formats:
Direct link (brings a user to a page with only the picture, nothing else) (shows the picture in the forum post itself)
Linked BBCode (shows the picture on the forum but is merged the the direct link use)
Rules for posting pictures:
Don't post over sized pictures. Make sure that the size of the pictures are 512 pixels (top to bottom) by 1024 pixels (left to right) or less. Slightly oversized pictures are allowed, but don't get too carried away.
Don't add pictures as attachments; people have to download them in order to see them.
Don't copy/plagiarize others' pictures. This is unacceptable and is followed by a long ban.